How do I add a department transfer?


You can add a department transfer by using the Insert button on the timecard toolbar. Added department transfers will display bolded, identifying they were manually added.

  1. Choose Timecards from the navigation list.
  2. The Timecards area will open, select the desired employee.
  3. Select the Insert button and choose Department Transfer, the Insert Transfer window will open.
  4. Type in the hour, the cursor will automatically move to the minutes.
  5. Type in the minutes, the cursor will automatically move to AM/PM if your time is set to the 12-hour format.
  6. Type an 'A' or 'P' to change to AM or PM.
  7. From the list, select the department for the transfer.
  8. Enter the date for the transfer.
  9. Select Save and Exit, the transfer will be added to the timecard.


Wed 12/05/2018